The Lithuanian Foundation, Inc. is a registered Illinois not-for-profit foundation dedicated to preserving and fostering Lithuanian culture and traditions in the United States, Lithuania, and Lithuanian communities worldwide. Since its inception in 1962, the Lithuanian Foundation has advanced its goals by awarding over $30,000,000 in grants and scholarships.

The Lithuanian Foundation, Inc. provides financial support for initiatives that preserve and foster Lithuanian traditions and values.


The Lithuanian Foundation is dedicated to supporting projects that contribute to the preservation of the Lithuanian heritage and demonstrate the potential for far-reaching benefits to the Lithuanian community.
Grant applications will be accepted from January 20 to April 1, 2025.


The Lithuanian Foundation believes that students who are active in their community are developing leadership skills that will benefit them and those around them in the future.  The scholarship application process for the 2024-2025 academic year has ended. Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will be accepted from August 1 to October 1, 2025. 


Membership is the Lithuanian Foundation’s greatest asset, with over 8,000 members worldwide. Member contributions have built the Lithuanian Foundation’s capital fund, whose earnings finance the Foundation’s grant-making.


The leadership of the Lithuanian Foundation warmly invites you to join the the growing Lithuanian Foundation family. Your membership and support will ensure the Lithuanian Foundation continues to fulfill its important mission for years to come.The Lithuanian Foundation’s members are people, groups, and organizations committed to the preservation of the Lithuanian language, culture and traditions inside and outside Lithuania’s borders. Through their contributions, LF Members have shown that collectively they can make a greater difference toward achieving this goal. Over the years the active participation and support of LF members have ensured the Foundation’s strength, growth and longevity.

The Lithuanian Foundation currently boasts over 8,000 memberships world wide. Anyone who makes a donation to the Lithuanian Foundation is eligible to become a member.

Every contribution to the Lithuanian Foundation helps the organization fulfill its goal of preserving, fostering, and celebrating Lithuania’s rich cultural legacy around the world.

The leadership of the Lithuanian Foundation warmly invites you to join the the growing Lithuanian Foundation family. Your membership and support will ensure the Lithuanian Foundation continues to fulfill its important mission for years to come.

  • All Lithuanians who support Lithuania‘s interests and support Lithuanian activities in the US and the Lithuanian Found are truly making a difference. I wish the utmost success to the Lithuanian Foundation in pursuing its goals.

    Vytautas Landsbergis
    Vytautas Landsbergis Politiciam, music historian, professor. LF member since 1991
  • If I want to be somebody, I must be a Lithuanian since that is what I was born. The more that I nurture my Lithuanian roots internally, the more likely I will become somebody. The biggest problem – getting lost in the global, virtual world in which we live.

    Algirdas Kaušpėdas
    Algirdas Kaušpėdas Architect, leader of the rock group “Antis”, singer, one of the original members of Sajudis
  • You are a unique organization providing a unique service to Lithuanian heritage, it’s preservation, cultivation, and expansion. Today, it would be difficult to count how many educational, cultural, and youth events have been made possible by the Foundation, how many books and textbooks have been published, how many young people have been supported by scholarships.

    Valdas Adamkus
    Valdas Adamkus President Emeritus of the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuanian Foundation Member
  • I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Lietuviu Fondo Stipendija. Your generosity has brought me one step closer to achieving my goal. I am a biochemistry major and I plan to pursue a career in the medical field upon graduation from Merrimack College. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and to give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goal just as you have helped me.

    Kristina Narkevičiūtė
    Kristina Narkevičiūtė 2016 LF scholarship recipient – Merrimack College, MA
  • Thank you for helping me receive one of the most important gifts I could get, education. I am truly grateful and inspired to help others when I am in a position to. Nothing is stronger than a pride for your own heritage, and your generosity only grows my pride in Lithuanian culture.

    Kantas Žalpys
    Kantas Žalpys LF member and scholarship recipient, Washington State University Vancouver, WA, USA
  • I am writing to thank you for your generous scholarship donation. I was very excited to learn that I was selected to receive financial support from the Lithuanian Foundation for my studies. I have dedicated most of my life so far into staying in touch with my Lithuanian heritage and being active in the Lithuanian community. It is an amazing feeling knowing that the Lithuanian community is supporting me in continuing my studies.

    Gintarė Meižys
    Gintarė Meižys University of Maryland, USA (2019)
  • I was extremely excited and very appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship in 2021. This makes me proud to be part of the Lithuanian community and I wanted to let you know that your generosity has inspired me to help others and to give back to the community.

    Lukas Umbrasas
    Lukas Umbrasas Purdue University, IN (USA), 2021 Scholarship Recipient
  • I will work even harder towards my goals and fulfill my dream of making Lithuania known in the space community.

    Juana Gariboldi
    Juana Gariboldi Vilnius University (Lithuania), 2021 Scholarship Recipient
  • I would like to thank the Lithuanian Foundation and its donors for awarding me with a scholarship this year.  I am happy that I am still able to represent the Lithuanian-American community to the best of my ability, and plan on continuing to do so in all of my future endeavors. Ačiū!

    Andrew Mickus
    Andrew Mickus Virginia Polytechnic and State University, USA (2022)
Contact the Lithuanian Foundation, Inc.

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