The leadership of the Lithuanian Foundation warmly invites you to join the the growing Lithuanian Foundation family. Your membership and support will ensure the Lithuanian Foundation continues to fulfill its important mission for years to come.
The leadership of the Lithuanian Foundation warmly invites you to join the the growing Lithuanian Foundation family. Your membership and support will ensure the Lithuanian Foundation continues to fulfill its important mission for years to come.
Become a Lithuanian Foundation Member
The leadership of the Lithuanian Foundation warmly invites you to join the the growing Lithuanian Foundation family. Your membership and support will ensure the Lithuanian Foundation continues to fulfill its important mission for years to come.
The Lithuanian Foundation’s members are people, groups, and organizations committed to the preservation of the Lithuanian language, culture and traditions inside and outside Lithuania’s borders. Through their contributions, LF Members have shown that collectively they can make a greater difference toward achieving this goal. Over the years the active participation and support of LF members have ensured the Foundation’s strength, growth and longevity.
Membership Categories and Privileges
The Lithuanian Foundation currently boasts over 8,000 memberships worldwide. Anyone who donates to the Lithuanian Foundation is eligible to become a member. Everyone who contributes $100 (or above) becomes a Lithuanian Foundation member and is entitled to one vote at the Annual Member’s Meeting. Each additional contribution of $100 entitles the member to one additional vote.
Join now by making an online donation
Download a printable membership form
Members convene at the Annual Members’ Meeting (usually held in April in Lemont, Illinois, outside Chicago) to hear and approve annual reports, vote on various issues, and elect members to the Board and Audit Committee. Members who cannot attend meetings may vote by Internet, mail, or designate a proxy to vote on their behalf.
Many donors have chosen to honor friends and loved ones by commemorating special occasions, such as graduations, birthdays, and anniversaries, with donations to the Foundation. In such instances, donors have the option to assign honorees LF member/donor privileges or to keep such privileges for themselves.