The Lithuanian Foundation and the Kazickas Family Foundation working together cooperatively

 In News and Events, Press Releases

On December 1-2, 2012, Maironis Lithuanian School (Lemont, IL) organized a conference-seminar “Teacher to Teacher”. Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, greeted the participants and presented each participant with a LF calendar and a national sash. Every year for 50 years Lithuanian Foundation financially supports Lithuanian schools. This year Kazickas Family Foundation generously supported schools as well.  During the conference, Jūratė Kazickas, President of Kazickas Family Foundation, and Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, shared the experience concerning the most important Lithuanian Foundation’s priority – a financial support for the Lithuanian schools and education. They discussed possibilities and plans to keep in touch and continue cooperation in the future.


Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, and Jūratė Kazickas, President  of Kazickas Family Foundation.


From the left: orginizers of the conference Austėja Sruoga, Chair of Parent Committee of Maironis Lithuanian School, Goda Misiūnienė, Principal of Maironis Lithuanian School, Jūratė Kazickas, President of Kazickas Family Foundation, Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, and Neila Baumilienė, Principal of Aleksandra  Kazickienė Lithuanian School, with her daughter.

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