The Lithuanian Foundation’s 50th Annual Member’s Meeting

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The members of the Lithuanian Foundation met at the Lithuanian World Center (Lemont, IL) on April 28th, 2013 for its 50th annual members meeting. The invocation was read by Rev. Antanas Saulaitis. Afterwards, members who had passed away throughout the previous year were remembered and honored. Various greetings followed. Notably Dr. Antanas Razma, Sr., one of the original founders of the Lithuanian Foundation and Chairman Emeritus, congratulated the Lithuanian Foundation in a letter read by Chairman Marius Kasniunas on its bi-centennial annual member’s meeting. Dr. Razma emphasized that, “only through a strong financial support-network – The Lithuanian Foundation – can we realize our unified goal – the preservation of the Lithuanian culture for future generations”.  The Lithuanian National Foundation, in a letter read by Chairman Marius Kasniunas, congratulated the Lithuanian Foundation for their support of Lithuanian organizations and individuals throughout the world and wished the Lithuanian Foundation another fruitful fifty years. Sigita Simkuviene – Rosen, President of the Lithuanian-American Community, congratulated the Lithuanian Foundation and expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Lithuanian Foundation’s founder Dr. Antanas Razma Sr. for his efforts to preserve the Lithuanian culture in America. The Lithuanian-American Community’s established Battle of Zalgeris Medal was accepted by Dr. Antanas Razma Jr., member of the Lithuanian Foundation Board of Directors, on his father’s behalf.

Over 200 members of the Lithuanian Foundation, from 24 states and Lithuania, voted either through mail or in attendance. The nominees for the audit committee and the board of directors were introduced. There were no nominations from the floor. Nominated to the Audit Committee were Aleksas Modestas, Gytis Petkus, and Ausrele Sakalaite and to the Board of Directors were Saulius Cyvas, Dale Lukas, Vytautas Narutis, Raimundas Silkaitis, and Arvydas Tamulis. All nominees were elected by acclamation.


Tamulis Kasniunas 2013

The Board of Directors, who met after the member‘s meeting, elected Marius Kasniunas (pictured left) as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Arvydas Tamulis (pictured right) as CEO.

LF Taryba 2013 AK

Members of the Lithuanian Foundation Board of Directors. Front row from the left: Sarunas Griganavicius, Rimantas Griskelis, Violeta Gedgaudas, Rita Kisielius, Audrone Pavilcius-Karalius, Arvydas Tamulis, Dale Lukas, Vytautas Narutis. Second row: Dalius Vasys, Dr. Antanas Razma, Jr., Marius Kasniunas, Dr. Donatas Siliunas, Juozas Kapacinskas, Saulius Cyvas. Not pictured: Raimundas Silkaitis and Almis Kuolas.  (A. Klibas pic.)


The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Marius Kasniunas, greeted the present members. He stressed the importance for current and future members to continue to foster what was bestowed upon them by previous generations. “We must strive to build upon what was given to us by previous generations to ensure that we leave something greater for future generations”. Lithuanian Foundation CEO, Arvydas Tamulis, presented to the members the activities of the Lithuanian Foundation throughout the previous year. Most notably, the Lithuanian Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary. To commemorate its bi-centennial anniversary, the Lithuanian Foundation organized a celebratory gala in Oak Brook, Illinois. It also sponsored concerts in Los Angeles, California, St. Petersburg, Florida, Hartford, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Additionally, members of the board of the Lithuanian Foundation and its representatives participated in local February 16th Lithuanian independence day commemoration throughout the United States. Rimantas Griskelis, chairman of the Lithuanian Foundation’s finance committee, presented to the members, that even in what was at times an uncertain financial market, the Lithuanian Foundation’s overall financial position improved for the year of 2012 allowing the Foundation to allocate substantial grants as well as cover all operating expenses. “[The Lithuanian Foundation] is well positioned to take advantage of growth in world markets during the next several years”. Grants committee chairman, Vytautas Narutis, announced that in 2012, 387,064 dollars were appropriated for project support and scholarships. For the year of 2012, 110,217 dollars were allocated for education, 88,637 dollars for scholarships, 70,723 dollars for youth activities, 58,356 for cultural affairs, 36,406 dollars for community activities, and 22,725 dollars for Lithuanian media.

The meeting having come to a successful end, many present members left to attend the opera “Meilės eliksyro” presented by the Lithuanian Opera, of whom, the Lithuanian Foundation have been consistent financial supporters.

 LF information

Prepared by Algis Kasniunas


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