A Historic Event at the Lithuanian Foundation: A $2 Million Gift
Something unprecedented happened at the Lithuanian Foundation – Chicagoland residents Lilija and Antanas Kušeliauskas donated $2 million for Lithuanian purposes. It’s the first time in the history of the Lithuanian Foundation that such a large sum was left directly to the Foundation, not given as part of a testament.
Their generous donation increases LF’s capital, which ensures better opportunities for LF to carry out its mission of financially supporting the cultivation of the Lithuanian identity.
Who are these generous philanthropists? Lilija and Antanas Kušeliauskas became LF members back in 1969 as a way to commemorate Lilija’s father Balis Jablonskis.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kušeliauskas were born in Lithuania. Growing up in times of war forced them to run to the West. After the war ended they came to the United States. Living in a foreign country was difficult. They learned, worked, created a family, raised children, and had grandkids. Their diligence, sense of responsibility, and patience enriched their lives and made everything possible.
They visited the Lithuanian Foundation headquarters when they decided to make their donation on August 1, 2024. It was an honor to get to know them better.
The couple said they had been observing the Lithuanian Foundation for a while and taking note of its accomplishments, which inspired them to “help ensure the ongoing success of Lithuanian culture.” They fully trust the Lithuanian Foundation. “We want to see the Foundation in action while we’re still alive!” was their answer when asked why they donated. We inquired how they amassed such a large amount of money.
“There’s no secret – we did it through investing,” said Antanas.
“Although we invested in many stocks, we got the biggest returns from Apple,” added Lilija. She mentioned that it’s important not only to invest, but also to have patience. One must learn to wait and not give up over many years.
On behalf of all its members, the Lithuanian Foundation is overjoyed with the trust shown in our organization. We thank Lilija and Antanas Kušeliauskas for their generous gift and wish them many more years full of great health.

Lilija and Antanas Kušeliauskas

Lilija and Antanas Kušeliauskas with their grandchildren. From left: Tomas, Lilija Kušeliauskienė, Rita, Aleksandras, Antanas Kušeliauskas, Alisa and Gintas.