Activity reports for 2020 where presented at the Lithuanian Foundation Members’ Annual Meeting
Members of the Lithuanian Foundation (LF) gathered for the 58th Annual Meeting on May 1, 2021, at the Lithuanian World Center (Lemont, IL). Some members participated in the meeting remotely through the video platform VIMEO on the LF website.
Audronė Pavilčius Karalius, Chairperson of the LF Board of Directors, opened the meeting. The anthems of the United States of America and the Republic of Lithuania were played. A moment of silence was observed for those LF members who died in 2020 and 2021.
Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in Chicago Mantvydas Bekešius and President of the Lithuanian American Community National Executive Committee Arvydas Urbonavičius came to address the Lithuanian Foundation. Video greetings were sent by Dovydas Špokauskas, Deputy Chief of Mission at Embassy of Lithuania to USA, and Chairperson of the Lithuanian World Community, Dalia Henke. A. Pavilčius-Karalius read the greetings of the Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York Vaclovas Šalkauskas, First Secretary, acting as the Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in Los Angeles, Agnė Gurevičienė, and President of the Board of Directors at Chicago Lithuanian Center Antanas Rašymas.

President of the LAC National Executive Committee Arvydas Urbonavičius addressing the Lithuanian Foundation.
The summary of the minutes for the 57th Lithuanian Foundation Members’ Annual Meeting, held remotely on June 20, 2020, was read by the gathering’s secretary Laima Apanavičienė.
Dalius Vasys, Chairman of the Registration Commission, announced that 8,982 members with voting rights had voted – 36.78% of all possible votes. The quorum was maintained.
Milda Davis, Chairperson of the Nominations Committee, presented seven candidates to the LF Board of Directors. Five of them were elected to three-year term. Elected candidates are Jonas Howes, Marius Kasniūnas, Audronė Pavilčius-Karalius, Antanas Razma, Jr., and Lina Žlioba

LF Board of Directors on May 1, 2021. In the first row from the left: Juozas Kapačinskas, Daina Dumbrys, Audronė Pavilčius-Karalius, Milda Davis, Lina Žlioba ir Tauras Bublys. In the second row from the left: Antanas Razma, Marius Kasniūnas, Saulius Čyvas, Dalius Vasys ir Gintaras Vaišnys.
Audronė Pavilčius-Karalius, Chairperson of the LF Board of Directors, and Tauras Bublys, the LF President & CEO, reviewed the previous year. Presentations were made by Gintaras Vaišnys, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Laima Kilienė, Treasurer, Juozas Kapačinskas, Chairman of the Grants Committee, and Rūta Kulbis, Chairman of the Development Committee.
At the end of the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors gathered for a meeting. Tauras Bublys Chairman of the Board, and Milda Davis, LF President & CEO were elected for one-year term.

Milda Davis

Tauras Bublys
The Lithuanian Foundation, Inc. 2020 Annual Report.