Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors

 In News and Events

The Lithuanian Foundation is seeking nominations for candidates for 5 positions to its Board of Directors for a 3-year term. Elections will be held at the Annual LF Member’s Meeting on April 26, 2025, at the Lithuanian World Center (14911 127th Street, Lemont,  IL 60439).

We invite all voting LF members to submit nominations. In order for candidates’ names to be included on the pre-printed ballot, mailed to all voting members of the Foundation 30 days before the Annual Meeting, a nominee’s signed acceptance must be emailed or mailed to the LF Nominations Committee and received no later than February 1, 2025. Nominations received after that date and nominations from the floor during the annual members’ meeting will not be accepted.

All members, qualified as voting members as of December 31, 2024, are eligible to be nominated for the Board of Directors positions. Nominations should include the candidate’s name, address, telephone number, and a short (500 words or fewer) summary of the candidate’s biographical information, qualifications, community experience, and his or her written consent for candidacy.

Candidates should also submit responses to the following questions by February 1, 2025:

  • When did you become a member of the Lithuanian Foundation?
  • What is your professional experience and how would it benefit LF?
  • What is your experience working with the Lithuanian community?
  • Why have you chosen to run for the Board?
  • How do you assess the work of LF and what are your hopes for its future?

Please send nominations and consent for candidacy to: LF Nominations Committee c/o Lithuanian Foundation, Inc., 14911 127th  Street, Lemont, IL 60439, e-mail:


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