Every contribution to the Lithuanian Foundation helps the organization fulfill its goal of preserving, fostering, and celebrating Lithuania’s rich cultural legacy around the world. Download the form and send it by mail or donate by credit card using our secure donation page.
Members are the Lithuanian Foundation’s greatest asset. Member contributions have built the Lithuanian Foundation’s capital fund, whose earnings finance the Foundation’s grantmaking. With each $100 contribution, members obtain one vote at the Foundation’s annual members’ meeting.
Mark special occasions with contributions to the Foundation
Honor friends and loved ones by commemorating their special occasions – such as graduations, birthdays, baptisms and anniversaries – with donations to LF. In such instances, donors have the option to assign the honoree LF member/donor privileges or to keep such privileges for themselves. Donors may request that an attractive commemorative LF Certificate of Donation be sent to the honoree, so that he/she is aware of the donation made in his/her honor.
Honor a deceased loved one with a commemorative contribution to the Lithuanian Foundation
A memorial contribution to the Foundation is a particularly fitting tribute to a family member or friend, who valued his or her Lithuanian heritage. Many LF donors chose to honor the memory of their loved ones in this way.
Become a recurring donor
If you’ve given to the Foundation in the past, consider stepping up your contribution and becoming a regular contributor. Donors who give to LF by credit card have the option to request that monthly contributions be made to the Lithuanian Foundation from their accounts. Designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate To ensure your legacy is preserved within the Lithuanian Foundation and to take advantage of the many tax benefits to you and your heirs, consider including the Lithuanian Foundation in your estate planning.
Designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate
To ensure your legacy is preserved within the Lithuanian Foundation and to take advantage of the many tax benefits to you and your heirs, consider including the Lithuanian Foundation in your estate planning.