LF annual banquet

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November 9th – The Lithuanian Foundation‘s annual banquet took place at the Lithuanian World Center (Lemont, IL) this year. Hundreds of members and guests came to listen to renowned pianist, Rudolfas Budginas, perform his non-traditional classical concert for the first time to Chicago Lithuanians. Throughout the concert, the artist not only played beautiful pieces and shared his knowledge of the history of classical music, but he also interacted with the audience using his playful sense of humor. The concert left a powerful impression on all audience members, from the youngest of music lovers to the more experienced listeners who were impressed with the maestro‘s talents. After leaving the concert in high spirits, the Lithuanian Foundation‘s supporters and guests continued the evening in the banquet hall. There, a silent auction provided an opportunity for guests to admire and purchase beautiful works of art with proceeds supporting the Lithuanian Foundation. The evening brought together multiple generations of LF members. As the Lithuanian Foundation continues to live out its motto, „From generation to generation“, let us together enjoy some glimpses into our time  during the Rudolfas Budginas concert and the LF banquet. (Photos by Visata).

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