Although the corona virus raged around the world, the Lithuanian Foundation (LF) did not stop working as quarantine conditions became the norm. The Grants Commission members, seeking to ensure the safety of all during the pandemic, performed their work remotely. The Grants Commission convened for two remote sessions during 2020 to review grant applications – May 16th-17th and October 24th. Similarly, the Scholarship Sub-Commission held their remote session on November 21st.
The Lithuanian Foundation operates and distributes funds in accordance with paragraph 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The allocation of support for projects and scholarships is governed by specific guidelines on support, which are approved by the LF Board of Directors. In 2020, a total of $1,256,506 was allocated to project support and scholarships.
This year‘s Grants Commission is comprised of 3 LF members: Juozas Kapačinskas (Chairman), Saulius Čyvas, Dalius Vasys and 3 Lithuanian American Community (LAC) members: Laura Garnytė, Janina Udrienė, Virgus Volertas. In addition, both groups were represented by one alternate: Marius Kasniūnas (LF) and Žygintas Januškevičius (LAC). The virtual meetings were also attended by LF Board Chair Audronė Pavilčius-Karalius, LF President Tauras Bublys and LF Executive Director Jūratė Mereckis. The meeting secretary was Vida Bieliauskienė. Lastly, Arvydas Urbonavičius, president of the Lithuanian American Community attended the first session as an invited guest.

LF Grants Commission meeting. Fom the left: Jūratė Mereckis, Virgus Volertas, Janina Udrienė, Juozas Kapačinskas (Chairman), Vida Bieliauskienė, Dalius F. Vasys, Audronė Pavilčius-Karalius, Žygintas Januškevičius, Saulius Čyvas, Tauras Bublys, Marius Kasniūnas, Laura Garnytė.
In 2020, 150 requests for support were submitted to the Lithuanian Foundation. During the first distribution, after careful review, the Commission granted 86 requests and allocated $786,310 to project support. During the second distribution, the Commission granted 17 requests and allocated $113,182 to project support. (In total $899,492).
In addition, $13,871 for project support was distributed from donor directed funds setup up within the LF. This support is granted in accordance with the instructions of the founders of the donor directed funds and paid directly to Lithuanian and US organizations. A total of $913,363 was allocated to projects in 2020.
A list of funded projects can be found here:
1st Distribution
2nd Distribution

LF Scholarship Sub-Commission meeting. From the left: Jūratė Mereckis (LF Executive Director), Milda Davis (Chair), Ieva Dilytė, Tauras Bublys (LF President) Rita Bieliauskas, Lilija Gelažis, Loreta Sadauskas, Dalius Vasys, Daina Dumbrys, Viktoras Kaufmanas, Rimantas Griškelis, Kristina Žvinakis, Alda Polikaitis, Vida Bieliauskienė (Secretary), Rasa Fernandes.
On 21 November, members of the Scholarship Sub-Commission held their virtual meeting. They carefully reviewed the scholarship requests from 104 students. The Scholarship Sub-Commission members accepted the requests of 90 students and awarded $312,000 in scholarships.
A list of scholarship recipients can be found here:
2020 LF scholarship recipients
In addition, $31,143 in student scholarships was distributed from the donor directed funds setup within the LF. These scholarships are distributed according to the specific wishes and instructions of the founders directly to universities and institutions in Lithuania (candidates for these scholarships are selected by representatives of those universities and institutions themselves). A total of $343,143 was awarded to scholarships in 2020.
The Grants Commission and Scholarship Sub-Commission recommendations were presented to and approved by the LF Board during their meeting on December 8th.
Project grants by the areas of activity
Education – $206,400
Cultural Affairs – $162,800
Lithuanian Centers – $158,882
Youth Activities – $30,900
Campsites – $59,500
Community Activities – $136,950
Lithuanian Media – $67,060
Archives – $70,000
Publishing of Books– $7,000
Support for organizations:
$164,400 – Lithuanian American Community, Inc.
$362,382 – Other US organizations
$31,510 – Lithuanian World Community, INC.
$31,510 – Organizations in Lithuania
$16,800 – Other emigre organizations
The projects that received the most substantial amounts of grants in 2020:
$155,000 – Grants to Lithuanian Heritage Schools
$35,000 – Support for US LAC community cultural events
$10,000 – Theater Festival “Tiltai”
$10,000 – Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania
$30,000 – The XVI North American Lithuanian Folk-Dance Festival, Philadelphia, PA
$25,000 – Improving the financial performance of the US LAC
$21,500 – Enhancements to the administrative work of the LAC National Executive Committee
$20,000 – The XI North American Lithuanian Song Festival/Cleveland, OH
$12,000 – LAC Magazine “Bridges” Publication
$74,382 – Lithuanian World Center, Lemont, IL
$63,000 – Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, Chicago, IL
$25,000 – Camp Dainava, Manchester, MI
$32,000 – Lithuanian-American Newspaper “Draugas” Chicago, IL
$27,500 – The Ateitis Foundation
$15,000 – Camp Neringa, Brattleboro, VT