Lithuanian American Community Council XXth Convention

 In News and Events, Press Releases

On September 28-30, 2012, the first session of the Lithuanian American Community Council XXth convention took place in Atlanta (GA). LAC Board of Directors members and District Chairs, as well as representatives from other organizations and guests of honor participated in the event. Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, greeted all the participants on behalf of Lithuanian Foundation and participated in the session. Lithuanian folk music ensemble „Biru Bar“ from Indianapolis performed an artistic program which was sponsored by the Lithuanian Foundation.

During the session, a new LAC National Executive Committee was elected (President-Sigita Šimkuvienė-Rosen). More information

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Participants of the first session of the Lithuanian American Community XXth  Council convention.


Marius Kasniūnas, Chairman of LF Board of Directors, greets the participants.


Lithuanian folk music ensemble „Biru Bar“ from Indianapolis.

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