Lithuanian Foundation helps to support literary achievements

 In News and Events, Press Releases

Every year Lithuanian Foundation provides financial support for the literature prize winners who have been selected by the Lithuanian Writers‘ Society. The 2011 literature prize was awarded to Eglė Juodvalkė for her poetry book „Sakalai naktį nemiega“. The poet accepted the prize during the presentation of her book at Ciurlionis gallery (Lithuanian Youth Center, Chicago, IL) on November 20, 2011.


In the picture Egle Juodvalke during presentation of her book.  From the left V. Aleksa, M. Adomaityte, A. Dauliene, L. Januleviciute, L. Umbrasas, S. Petersoniene, V. Eivaite, E. Juodvalke, D. Cidzikaite ir Dr. A. Razma. Photo: Dalia Cidzikaite

The 2010 literature prize was awarded to Kęstutis A. Trimakas for his two poetry books „Ieškančiojo pėdsakai“ and „Jis man dovanojo būtį“.  The winner accepted the prize from the Honorary Chairman of Lithuanian Foundation dr. Antanas Razma during the poetry readings held in Ateitis Foundation Center (Lemont, IL) on October 9, 2011.

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Pictured (from the left): dr. Vainis Aleksa, Honorary Chairman of Lithuanian Foundation dr. Antanas Razma, winner  Kęstutis A. Trimakas, Chairman of Lithuanian Writers‘ Society Stase Petersoniene , and Daiva Petersonaite.

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