Lithuanian Foundation, Inc. Annual Members‘ Meeting
The 56th Annual Meeting of the Lithuanian Foundation took place in April 27 at the World Lithuanian Center in Lemont, IL. Congratulations were given by Mantvydas Bekesius, the General Consul of Lithuania in Chicago; Arvydas Urbonavicius, the President of the Lithuanian American Community; Regina Balcaitiene, Chairperson of the New England District of the American Lithuanian Community; and Greetings from Dalia Henke, President of the Lithuanian World Community, were read by Sigita Simkuviene, Chairperson of the LWC Development and Sustainability Committee.

The Lithuanian national anthem was sung by the students of the Maironis Lithuanian School (Lemont, IL).
Also present at the meeting were Auksuole Kisonaite-Marciuleviciene Chairperson of the Marquette Park Chapter of the American Lithuanian Community; Gintautas Steponavicius, Chair of the Waukegan Chapter of the American Lithuanian Community; and Ruta Zekonis, Chairperson of the Indinapolis Chapter of the American Lithuanian Community.

Mantvydas Bekesius, the General Consul of Lithuania in Chicago.

Regina Balcaitiene greets the members and Presidium (from the left: LF Board Chairperson Audrone Pavilcius-Karalius, LF President Tauras Bublys and meeting secretary Daiva Litvinskaite).
The activities of the Foundation were discussed in the meeting. Presentations were made by the Board Chairperson Audrone Pavilcius-Karalius, The President of the Foundation Tauras Bublys and the various committee Chairpersons.
Elections were held for the Board and the Audit Committee. There were six nominees for the five open positions with a three-year term on the Board: Saulius Cyvas (7,378 votes), Daina Dumbrys (5,575), Viktoras Kaufmanas (6,324), Vytautas Narutis (5,912), ir Arvydas Tamulis (7,505). Dumbrys and Kaufmanas were elected for the first time.

Newly elected LF Board members. From the left: Arvydas Tamulis, Daina Dumbrys, Viktoras Kaufmanas, Saulius Cyvas.
There were three nominees for the three-person Audit Committee: Alina Akulic, Ricardas Chiapetta ir Rimas Kapacinskas. They were elected by acclamation.
LF had presented to the membership changes to the by-laws. The first change concerns the Audit Committee. Since 2003, the audit has been performed by an independent Certified Public Accounting firm. Thus it was proposed to abolish the existing Audit Committee since it is duplicating what is being done with a CPA. The second change was to Part II, paragraph 8 and Part III paragraph 17 concerning dates when voting privileges become valid.
The by-law changes were passed by a vote of 6,691 “for” and 582 “against”. These changes will go into effect after they are approved by the American Lithuanian Community.
A Board meeting followed the annual meeting. The board elected Audrone Pavilcius-Karalius as Board Chairperson and Tauras Bublys as Foundation President.
LF information

Participants of the Annual Meeting.
In the picture at the top of the page – members of the Lithuanian Foundation Board of Directors. From the left: Arvydas Tamulis, Ruta Kulbis, Dalius Vasys, Daina Dumbrys, Rimantas Griskelis, Antanas Razma, Jr., Marius Kasniunas, Audrone Pavilcius-Karalius, Tauras Bublys, Milda Davis, Viktoras Kaufmanas, Saulius Cyvas, Gintaras Vaisnys and Juozas Kapacinskas. (Not pictured: Vytas Narutis).
The activities of the Lithuanian Foundation of 2018 are presented in the new publication Liepsna.